Martin Černík
Snowfilm fest
Insert: 23.11.2013
Martin Cernik is an icon of Czech snowboarding in all ways. Where in his career right now is, what are his plans and what a success it was autobiographical film Snow way. These are just some of the questions put to Martin Vojta Lejsek, šéfredktor outdoor portal Pohora.cz (http://www.pohora.cz), with the cooperation we bring you the following interview.
You are the pioneer of the
in Czech republic. How you got involved in the snowboarding? In those day it was quite unusual sport.
In days of komunism everyone did typical sports for that time – football, ice-hokey, judo etc. When I was 12, 13 years old and we were living in housing estate, I started with skateboarding. When I was on high school I saw some guys on snowboard and then I bought my first snowboarding equipment from my skateboarding friends. I had so much fun. So I started with snowboarding in 14.
If today someone stands on a snowboard for the first time in 14 , he hardly gets to the top level ...
Certainly, the sport passed radical development, both in terms of equipment, over the conditions in the resorts to training methods. The resort where we were not let on the lifts are now snow parks. Children, instead of riding only on weekends in the winter, all year jumping on the trampoline, training on the brush, jumping into special pits of foam. In Japan recently opened resort, which is all on rubber mattresses, where they can not be harmed. So kids today start with tricks with which we ended up. These conditions are completely different and the top must have one in 18 years.
When snowboarding began to be in the Czech Republic willed? You felt a breakthrough moment?
I think the process was much more gradual. In front of me was an older generation, who rode only in the forest and they were totally punk. We are gradually getting into some resorts, eventually all, started snowboarding events, and the Olympics sport has helped a lot for the general awareness(ed. note.: First time snowboarding at the Winter Olympics came in 1998 in Nagano). Through the Olympics the whole world understands that it is not only fashion, but a serious sport.
What about skiing ?
At the skis I stand in training in high school. Since then, I have not, nor taste. I don’t want to wear those ski boots and it seems to me that you need an awful lot of equipment - poles, two skis, ski boots ... I am used to the board. A lot of friends go and enjoy it, which I respect, but I think everyone need not do anything.
Which activities are currently dedicate to you when you stopped the riding career?
Now it was the first season after 20 years, when I not competed. I began to coaching snowboard and freestyle representation. I’m especially devoted to Šárka Pančochová as coach and manager. In addition, I have been organizing the Czech Snowboard Cup to do something for the kids, and the Snow Jam. When I have time off, I'm going to surf.
You toured the world with snowboard several times, you have been in New Zealand, Alaska and in South America. Which places would you found the best?
Alaska is definitely the best for riding when the weather is fine. I say this every time and it really cannot be compared with anything. But as I have had the opportunity to travel, I enjoy most the home.
What you and the Olympics? In 2006 in Turin you were first Czech freestyle snowboarder participated in OH.
I tried to get it on the first Olympics because of disagreements with the union skiing it did not work. It motivated me to ride freeride and big air jump. I tried so almost all the big events that will be held in the world, so I wanted to check off even the Olympics. The chances to go there in life are not so much. Moreover, the conditions changed and Ski Association had wanted me and supported me.
And as for the disciplines, which are you closest to? U-ramp, where have you been in the Olympics?
On the ramp I really like that you can do in short section six proper jumps, one does not feel the landings and speeds up. It's a perfect job with kinetic energy. In the freeriding I enjoy the connection with nature and the purity of the feeling, rather than riding technique. It's hard to compare them. I'm glad, that snowboarding showed me all aspects, whether it was big air, slope style, ramp or freeride, I was never bored, it was never a tedious repetition and those experiences were closely intertwined.
How did the idea to put together a film Snowway?
I had this idea for a long time, because at home I accumulated recordings that were created during my snowboard career. I thought it would be nice once it somehow grab and show how it was. A lot of people sees me, that I was at the Olympics and traveled to Alaska, but I know that we started in my old home resort in the bushes. I wanted to show the way, when you go for your dream, so you can manage. I'm glad I met nice people from LIP Production and Honza Daczický from Avion, who have done postproduction and managed to put it all together in relatively little money. It was such a great and very personal project.
Snowway recapitulates the last twenty years of your life, what would Snowway 2 for the next 20 years?
I do not know. If you had asked me twenty years ago, I too had no idea. Now I have the priority bit different, except that it is dedicated to young riders, so my personal ambition is to bring up daughter. I have a second child on the way. So I give a lot of energy to the family, which made me very entertained. Travel and extreme moments I enjoyed up to and it's good to know the different aspects of life than to repeat the same thing over and over again.
How old is the daughter? Was she snowboarding?
Now she was three and had tried in the winter and it was nice. I drove her on a surfboard. And I really like lot do the everyday activities that have come before me as boring. Now with child I enjoy those activities a lot.
How was the review of that movie?
In autumn was the tour of parties in Czech republic, where we projected the film and it was fantastic. The people accept it very positively. Although Czechs are, I think, in general, very skeptical and critical, but no negative opinion was discovered, which makes me very happy. In Prague, we were able to sell out the Lucerna cinema for 450 people, which made me happy.
Nowadays, you are involved in surfing. It is purely a hobby?
At present, it is my biggest hobby. Of course, my level is purely amateur, because pros surfers have been riding since childhood. But I like just that feeling of being in the water and I look forward to the surfing with daughter.
How much is the advantage that you are a great snowboarder for start with surfing?
The view is similar than it really is. But of course, when you know how to coordinate well your body, it is an advantage. I think anyone who likes such natural sports and try it, will have fun.
I guess you've a few years ago won the championship of Czechoslovakia, which will be held in France ...
Once I did that, of the six years that have taken place. A couple of times I was second, third couple times. But it's such a fun competition that we organize with friends. It's very funny when we landsmen meet there on the beach. It's as if we held a hockey tournament in Africa. But it's better - everyone knows that we will always amateurs and they take it very friendly. Similarly, as when there were first snowboarding competitions.
Thanks for interview!
Film SNOW WAY you will see at a film festival Tierra SNOW FILM FEST. The festival takes place in more than 140 cities of the Czech Republic and 40 in Slovakia and brings the best films from the last season of winter environment .. In many cities, you can look forward to a rich supporting program. Detailed information about the films and screening sites to find www.SnowFilm.cz. We thank the partners who allow the festival in so many cities, especially brands Tierra, Marmot, Loap, Rock Point, Devold and Petzl, then Switzerland and winter resort of Les Menuries