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Home made ski surface fix l.
Insert: 18.12.2013
Everyone who rides and enjoys a freeride knows how it is when you hit a rock. Your skis are damaged in a minute and sometimes you have a bigger problem than you thought. Here you go with small article about how to fix your skis at home.

Last time I ski quite recently. At the beginning of this new season, at the Styria we had our first powder days and the orgies on Riesneralm and we were looking forward to the upcoming nice lines at the Tauplitz. As during our previous day it was snowing and the whole resort was stopped due to strong wind and storm. The next day the wind dropped and we were soo exited and went straight to the powder covered backcountry. I was soo lucky and during my first ride I jumped on a rock and it was clear to me that this will not be just a sratch. And I was not . Finally, 30 cm long groove to the core and the euphoria of powder conditions was gone ... In fact, with the powder was not so hot because Riesneralm had a lot more snow , not to mention strong winds blow the snow enough.
Similar experience has certainly everyone . Impatience and eagerness such that the powder is more expensive than you could ever imagine. If the sratch is not too close to the edge of the ski, it's cool. You can fix it very easily. Ways how to deal with it is more. Such easiest way for someone is to say " There will be a lot of those and these are freeride skis, so lets leave it like that ." Anyway, it's not very appropriate solution. When we fail impaired driving characteristics , the core will receive moisture , there will freeze and thaw water and base begins to pull away from the core. Or if it's right next to the ski edge , there is an additional risk rapture edges themselves. The most common solution is then that they can ski to the service and the " pros " will take care of it . Anyway, it also has its cons. The first pitfall can be a busy ski service which will not accept you skis. They just do not have time to repair atypical holes or there will be plenty of other work and this will not bother with your skis too much . Another disadvantage may be the price of the patch itself. Well human time on this planet costs something and some people when they can , they will charge you a fortune. In the event that we decide to repair a gash in the running surface of our self , we have about 2 options. We can either take a 2 -component epoxy and pour the hole or with it we put a little more work and make a cut as in the service, and we will put a nice patch wight over the scratch.
.... To be continued
Author: Pavel Božák

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