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Meal for travelilng

Meal for travelilng

Insert: 22.12.2011
Some meal for travelilng? How about adventure menu? How about Czech made stuff? I have never herad about that so why to not try it? So once rainy autumn day I got coule of bags full of meal. I am gaping on it at it is some chicken with coule of pags for selfheat. So all right then, we will packu p our bags for a weekend with those meal bags together.

But stop talking and her eis the truth. On the website is written that no dehydration, without chemicals, cooked by traditional way. In every bag (500g) mininum 150g of meat, so all right. So i tis evening and I am putting one bag to another one, right according the manual, and mixing a 40ml of watter. Waitting, one minute, second one. So what? It finally started to burn. I have no idea what is in the big green bag but i tis really working. In next while it is very hot. After about 15mins I put the small bag outsite the big one and I really look forvard to good taste of fresh 150g of meat.

Oh man i tis really good, so not like in the Ritz hotel, but I need to confess that it tastes like real meal and not like dry Chinese chemical stuff from supermarket. I had to give a bit to my friend because there is really to much of it. And there is the real meat as well, I did not count the weight but it is enough.And my conclusion? I was very suprised by the duality of the meal. I told myself, this autoheating systém should be a solid chemical process, but it is working very good when you do not have any posibility of cooker.

And my final recommendation is, that for 129kč (5e) when it is possible to choose from 8 kinds of meal is a good deal. It really looks like a proper meal and it tastes like proper meal as well. From my side I keep my thumb up!

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