Weather Forecest and Web sites.
Weather Forecast is a mathematics and information systems, in the world there are only two organizations that can handle these volumes of data and make them each model's predictions of weather.It is ECMWF company, it was founded in Europe in 1973 by Eu states members and the NWS-NOAA company originated in 1970 in the USA. These organizations also approved by code of rules provide evaluated information for free. Each countrie contribute their measured data from their local stations in these models and then take the resulting data-evaluated data back. These sesulting data are more editing , embarking on their systems and adapted to the conditions concrete country. Each state also used their own models predictions which then presente on their site.
Now to the actual web sites.
After a few hour survey I find that situce with Web sites specializing only forcasting snow conditions are poor. Web which worth for forecasting snow conditions is the If you know more about snow please share it in in forums bellow.
Web SF was founded in 1995 by one people on New Zealand, he created a model to predict snow fall on individual altitude above sea level. These model takes actual data from NOAA USA and uses its calculations. They also seek to use their own models, but from a small number of team members to be rather minor modifications received data and models calculations. Weather maps on the snow-forecast are updated 2x a day, and from the latest forecasts is deducted 6 hours. This time is the time when they get data from the measured stations and processing to the web page. Otherwise weatherforcast will inform you about the past. The same procedures are used in a television forecasts. Web site shows a large amount of data either from last year in the same period, and interactive maps of precipitation. You can also set the alert function of snow, which will inform you of any snowfall in the area you entered. This service is the fastest on the projections and is sent out before updating the overall site. Small disadvantage is, that Maps on snow forecast is paid. Today's the forecast for two days in advance, which is most used. Forecast for 6 days is free. Other sites on which I encountered are either general and doesen’t specialized in the snow predictions, or just take the data and to provide their own graphical environment.
One of these sites is, clearly showing the last snowfall, the elevation of snow, and forecasts.In deciding how to manage the site is not straightforward answer is the best combination, for example - website and meteorologic institution of the country with the current avalanche situation and forecast (links with individual states are listed below.) Finally how to make decisions where to go or not ? Advice and tips are a lot, but it worth to drive by some ones because powder day is a powder day.
For instance:
• try to book two places
• decide at the last minute (the forecast is coming-out on the following day to 92% for 3 days in advance it decline to 80%)
• monitor evolution, cameras - not just a specific day
• have a connection to the Internet at mountains and follow forecast there - it may happen that the valley 20 kilometers away from you is completely different conditions.
• not relying on forecasts from single source
Web adreses of country meteorologic institutions.
Czech - , Norway - , Austria - , Switzerland - , Slovenia - , Slovakia - , Sweden - , Turkey - , Italy - , France - , Germany - , USA - .