Nicolas Falquet exclusively for Powderline.eu
Hi Nicolas, first of all I would like to ask how it is going at these days? Where are you skiing at the moment and are you having a good powder conditions?
I saw that your website and one from the first film has a name „Huck and Chuck“. What is the idea of this name?
I have heard about some new project which you are working on. Could you please briefly describe what it will be and who is involved in this project?
“A secret spot” This is the name of our latest movie. We spend the whole season at home for this project and we have more than 15 years of archives to speak about this valley, where we learned to ski… It’s also the perfect timing to make this film… Others would call that film “Huck and Chuck history”. We prefer to speak about our self from an other angle… That’s the Swiss humility ;-)
You are participating some film festivals with your films. What is you biggest success and which is the most valuable for you?
I clearly don’t care about a potential price or victory! I participate to different film festival because of the public. This is one of the last option to show our work in good screening quality! I love that kind of public who made the effort to move in a cinema and take time to appreciate one long year of work.
I know that you and your brother are skiing for many years. Has anything changed your attitude to skiing over those years. Have you ever been thinking to quit with riding?
For sure I’ve been thinking to quit sometime! But for many reasons we are still skiing and still in this business. We love skiing, we love making films and we love the mountains. We are gathering all of those 3 elements plus best friends every winter for 15 years now… It’s hard to stop! I also think that we are adapting our project and our style of ski year after year. Our goals today are not the same as the one from December 1998.
Is skiing more fun or regular job for you? Are you thinking to catch a perfect moment for your film of just have a good times in the mountains.
I put all what I love to do in one single professional activity, It’s the dream! I’m not simply passionate by what I do, I do things with passion and it’s sometime tougher than a regular job!
Is there anyone or anything who has inspired you or is still inspiring you to make a new freeride films and photos?
Mister Seth Morrison inspired me like nobody else when I was 18 and ready for anything to became a freeskier. Today, my inspiration comes from my friends with who I spend time on mountain for my films. We shared so many incredibly good and terribly bad moments together… Jeremie Heitz who I consider as my little brother, gives me a certain freshness and a new energy. I’m proud to have him in our “crew”!
Do you prefer heli or hiking?
Hiking, no discussion!
What is the best resort for you to ride in?
Les Marécottes ;-)
And finally the last question. Is there anything you would like to say for our readers?
Thank you very much for your time and I would like to wish you good powder seasons without injuries.