
Powderline - freeriders website

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Filip " Fiďas" Paseka

Filip " Fiďas" Paseka

Insert: 01.10.2012

Well what to say. Because this gallery is better to see. You will see some nice shots from Ondra Bláha ( ) Grobeho (, Martin Klika and Vítek Ludvík ( ).  Just do not miss this out. Fidel has a big gallery from so many years which he is riding for.

Photo: Ondra Bláha
Photo: Ondra Bláha
Photo: Ondra Bláha
Photo: Ondra Bláha
Photo: Grobe
Photo: Grobe
Photo: Grobe
Photo: Grobe
Photo: Grobe
Photo: Grobe
Photo: Grobe
Photo: Grobe
Photo: Grobe
Photo: Vítek Ludvík
Photo: Vítek Ludvík
Photo: Vítek Ludvík
Photo: Martin Klika, Davos
Photo: Martin Klika, Davos
Photo: Martin Klika, Davos
Photo: Martin Klika, Davos
Photo: Martin Klika, Kitzbuehl
Foto: Martin Klika, Kitzbuehl
Photo: Martin Klika, Kitzbuehl
Photo: Martin Klika, Kitzbuehl
Photo: Martin Klika
Photo: Vítek Ludvík, Alaska
OAeV - Alpenverein

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