New freeride project
Together with Tomáš Krausem and Ondra Bank we decided to make a freeride movie (more at a ). After the end of this season we will start our journey for powder and hiking. We are going to get anough material for the document which will intorduce Tomáš and Ondra in little bit different situations for them.
Well it is not easy at these days to get the support from sponsors for such a project. So we decided to use a crowdfounding platform Thanks to this platform everybody from you can contribute on this project. You can buy some of the benefits, you will support this and of course you will get something back for yourself.
The rumours are saying that this things are working only in the US and that there no space and chance for this in here. We believe that even in the Czech republic and Europe we can find people who whill support us.
Well we have a problem with baging for money from principle but the way of crowdfoundingu when you are selling something in advance and giving a chance to people be a part of the project. Giving a chance to donate something which you ar a fan of. We found this idea very interesting.
Read the project and make your own opinion.