Jeseníky ,where for the Freeride or Czech
On Saturday morning I get up early, going to breakfast, prepared snack bag and for sure I write sms message to Slava if he is awake. So he was fortunately awake.. when Slava arrived loud up hes gear and we went for another member of crew Bilo. Finally we have everything in the car and now remains one last little man, Radim – our friend and guide, which take in the Shopping park and finally we set the direction you Jeseníky.Drive running fast with the small support of radio stations. About nine-thirty am, armor our gear , and we go to the bus stop for Ovčárna(to these place you have to take only by bus ). I want to mention that the buses run from 9 am every hour .. On the top my mouth drops to the ground. So much snow plus pow, I was immediately clear that we did not go in vain.
We take first ride and it was incredible, pow pow . Slava take camera and make first shots on trip. Everywhere is a nice pow and we really enjoy. We repeat our rides few times as long as fog comes. Radim show to us another lines and we stop near thy felled tree. Fog recedes so I use the situation and send the first backflip, Bilo muta cross, Slava shoots, Radim get lost. Folowed small break to full fill energy supplement in local restaurant in the form of cabbage soup and warm tee.
Wen we went out from restro , we were nice surprised because of bight clear sky. From the unsuccessful fog attempt we have another nice two hours riding. So we try to take advantage and ride as much as we can. At the end of the day was before as last ride to our car, which we took on snow barriers passed by the road. In Jeseník mountains we were at the first time and I must say that I was really pleasant surprised. Not only snow but also the opportunities which they offer. From Ostrava it's about hour by car, but you can also take bus from Ostrava.