Jasna 17.4.2010
Chopok Low Tatras in April 2010.
Upon arrival to quad lift called "Zahradky" we still had no indications that there would be some new snow. But our doubts were absolutelly useless. Gradual rise, to the "Rovna hole" and a view to "Konsky Grun" , took away all the doubts we had and immediatley realized that Wlado was rigt this time :).
Upon arrival at Konsky Grun, we have just noticed that "connection lift to the top" just start its operation. So we did not hesitate and immediately decided to go for "Děreše. The upper part was blowed powder snow, except icy chuttes and snow with gradually melting on descent The weather was absolutely cloudless, and we were taking runs after run including "last before the last run" from the back of Chopok.
Wlado was taking as many pictures as he could which caused sometimes that one run took almost 20minutes. Anyway we really enjoyed this day and Wlado's pics are the proof of it.
Text: David Knybel
mega gallery by Wlado : http://powderline.cz/en/galerie/fotogalerie/jasna-17-4-2010/