Kunertal Glacier trip
how to end the season
Ride place: Austria - Pitztal, Kaunertal
Date: 4. - 5. 5.2011
I was thinking, that it’s about time to brake this moravian-silesian freeride hegemony, at least related to the reports. True, it lasted till the end of the season, but I hope it will fulfill the purpose at least a bit. What can I say, this year it wasn‘t very good with the powder, so when I found out at the begin of May, that we’re going to do some powder, I was already taking the phone and uncle Wattson took the chance.
First day Pitztal. Breakfast in way „how to make a living room of a car park“, I broke two bottles of beer (acidentally of course), which caused really strong smell for the rest of the trip, Wattson puts nicely marinated neck under car – so that wouldn’t spoil until evening. A bit later comming to the hill doesn’t bother us. After first rides we found out, that it’s not so good with the snow – it fell around 10 cm on icy rutted base, then a chillout on a terrace (we must burn the face somewhere...). But in the afternoon Wattson finds out an effective way to beat local fence, which attracts the admiration of skiers around, and we find untouched powder, some rocks, we make ride after ride, we even don’t want to go off the hill.
Afternoon’s move to Kaunertal, we pass a latch and merilly go up. Suddenly I hear Wattson’s terrified scream „WHERE IS MEAT???“ well under the wheel ... so anyway, after a short discussion we turn back, visit local Spar, buy another meat. In the evening grill party near the lake, full and pleasant we lie into our tent. Morning around 0°C, at half past eight we move for sun up to parkál, we meet Czech alpine ski team led by Bany and Kitan, guys are riding for 2,5 hours yet, they probably don’t have for perms, they drive a car from lower to upper parking lot.
Kaunertal is full of park rats, they say Spring Classic or whatever... but conditions surpise us, we find places with real powder and we drop really a lot. In the afternoon bath in a stream, grilling at the parking lot is flawless, we go home at 6 o’clock in the afternoon pleasantly sleepy.
So now I can say, that I consider this season succesfully completed. And the end worth it!
P.S.: The photos are taken by me or Wattson with some small piece of shit, so don’t expect any miracles...
P.S.S.: and now, 14 days later, there’s suppose to snow again and those morons are shutting down the lifts... nevertheless the amount of snow in the third May’s week convinced us, there wasn‘t such a queue fot the whole winter, we went to end up the season once more... this time to Tux, only for a day, but it still worth it... 40 cm of new, quite powder snow (right, during day it was getting worse due a heat) and on the hill noone, that speaks for everything...