Flyingdog snowcamp Arosa 2018
How the dog's history is written
I decided to visit the ninth year of the snowboard and freeski camp in Arosa, which is organized by Petr Večeřa and his crew. Since I live in German Constance where are not many friends who ride, I decided to visit this snowcamp. I have known this event since two Walachian dogs, Lumír Drápal and Pepa Bernátek were riding these mountains.
From Constance to Langwies it took two hours, so I had a quiet morning in comparison to most of the campers that are on the way from the Czech Republic. I get to the place in the afternoon, and campers are just dividing the rooms. I meet Grobe, who has been working for some years as a main photographer. I take my room at random and I hope someone will join.
In the evening, a welcome grill party and opening hockey match take place. Do not expect any skates or guards, we play with shoes and small goals barely on your knees. The reward are the smiles of girls and the shots on bench. When we are all adequately destroyed, the party moves inside to the house.
The first day of riding we leave the cottage, which is in the village of Langwies, to Arosa. The journey to Arosa is passing legendary sections that the campers are adequately enjoying and some of them are like at home. From the cottage we go among the typical Swiss cottages on a small slope and take a warm-up ride to the train stop. The journey by train cannot be done without the favorite song and the peacock noise somewhere in the middle of the journey.
On the slope, we split into groups and go to discover the resort, at least me. Because, it seems, the rest of my group know the resort quite well. After the couple runs follows video coaching. We can let our riding technique get recorded. The second part of the coaching takes place after dinner.
Dinner and meals in general during the camp should be described in a separate article. Behind the scene is in charge a crew called Guilty Pleasure. If I understand right, the main cook is Maya. I had to go for another portion a few times, and occasionally it happened that I had captured another portion like in gif with John Travolta. This gastroporn is worth a special compliment.
The next 3 days the weather is not good at all. We give up the face from the Rothorn peak, because the strong wind, fog and diffusion in the lower parts dissuades us from the first better ride. So we choose the route from Brüggerhorn down to Molinis. The first part of the route is mostly north-oriented, and the snow quality is quite good here, although the snow already got heavy in the resort. The following part goes through the forest to Molinis. There is no need for adventures in the streams, searching between spruces and similar devotions that can be done in the woods. It is important to note that there is one ideal route to go beforehand with someone who knows it. From Molinis we go to Arosa by train again.
The next day during the bad weather was a freestyle coaching, but with Michal we decided to take a tour the lift from Arose to the other end of Lenzerheide.
The 4th day of the camp comes some powder and the slopes on the Lenzerheide side are turning into a playground. A couple of ride are enjoying with almost the whole crew even in poor visibility, and later in the afternoon, we split into groups “swimming pool” and "until they shut it down".
5th Day I would call Big Day. Bluebird, powder and a bunch of people who know every rock in the resort. We're heading for Rothorn automatically, destroing the plains towards Lenzerheide and straight heading for the next round. The crew is divided into smaller groups and we are heading this time on Rothorn but towards Arosa. There is a wide plain waiting for us, which has only couple tracks and the rest is waiting for us. After the clean ride we have to cross the lake and we continue in the direction of Arosa. At the end of day the we cannot miss the route towards Molinis, where the deserved reward at the bottom is waiting for us.
I miss the last day, because the cold is winning and I'm sunbathing with a ginger punch at Sit Hütte, which is a meeting point on the top station of the first double chair. A large group is heading to route under the connecting gondola which ends in a small village Tschierschen. Grobe with Dejv hiking the face which is possible to see all the time from Sit Hütte
The long winter evenings are filled with showing pictures from the past day, the tour de Beer straight from slope towards Arosa, foosball tournament in which the final was really hyped. Occasionally someone forget himself on the journey from Arosa in the train and almost takes sightseeing tour.
Thanks to everyone for a great atmosphere, especially Peter and his crew for organizing and taking care about our comfort. I hope to see you at the jubilee tenth camp.
Author: Tomáš Zelinka
Gallery: HERE