Hiking at Rauris 2
foggy thoughts
Weather was not getting better and our performance as well. Better to say both opposite way. When we were approaching the Rojacher Hütte I felt a buzz in the air. All my hair went up. Not because of fear but the storm was coming so quickly. Fortunately as quickly storm came that quickly left and my hair are back on place. We knew that with this tempo we cannot reach the summit of Sonnblick. So our two slower members decided to stay in the hut which allowed us to reach the peak. Thank you both.
Despite of the fog which came I knew from the past the exact direct line to the peak. Our key point was a narrow traverse along big rocky wall. After that we had just about 200m of elevation across small glacier directly to the top. Well we pushed a bit and after about one hour we reached the meteo station at Hoher Sonnblick. The summit is very civilized because of the big meteo station and a hut Zittlehaus with the whole year service. So we ordered a soup and beer and went out.
After we went out of the hut we were massively surprised. The sky was almost clear and snow just perfect for our line down. So we enjoyed every turn but with thought about next 1500m elevation a bit slower. From the Rojacher Hütte we went down together again as a crew. Next big surprise came after next 200 vertical meters. So huuuge fog that we could not even move. This is the time when GPS is coming into the game. Fortunately we had such a technology. After next 300m fog went away and we were good to ride down the rest of our face.
Sunday was a reward for the last days full of pain and hard work. We went to the Gastein valley to the resort called Angertal. Because of a lack of snow at 1200m we had to go on foot with skis on our back. Fortunately not too long and we reached Kalkbretterkopf (2 412m) by a traversing on skis. What a pleasure. Big surprise was on the top. Just grass everywhere. What a shame. But this did not harm our happiness from the journey. So we took a group photo and went down by one of numerous couloirs.
That was kind a nice freeride line but only until the small huts. From the huts we had a wet shitty snow. During trying to avoid carrying skis on our back we went across a very small wooden footbridge and across big base avalanche. This avi took down part of a road as well. After this trip was clear, that winter is almost over.