I will drink it!
Insert: 11.02.2012
Article from the Prague Powderline branch. On Monday 23rd January I already had to see the photos of bottomless powder on Facebook. So I called to Karňas to whom I spoke couple of days ago that we should arrange some powder trip.. During Tuesday it was agreed that in the night from Wednesday to Thursday we will go somewhere direction from Prague to Austria.
On Thursday morning we arrived at the bottom of the tram, managed the tickets, and went up to the mountains. Face was bathed in sunshine and covered with beautiful light powder. I saw something like this maybe 10 years ago. Powder posh skiers Karňas and Karlos did not even talked about this, because this year they spent every weekend in the powder. The first day was not a cloud in the sky, the snow was light as a fly wing and the landings on the cliffs as an evening getting into a fragrant blanket. The only thing that bothered us were the other riders destroying pure powder lines. However, boys were stoked and hungry for cliffs. I tried to shoot the right photos. Anyway, the first day, therefore, proved very successful.
Statistics: 100% Blue sky, No Ice, No fog
The evening debate was what to do next days. The forecast was not too optimistic. Anyway, we knew that the face is ridden from the first day and we will not go there. So the decision was made at a neighboring resort, where there are more possibilities of woodoo riding. So it does not matter the lack of sunshine, the presence of fog and snow, and even worse optical conditions.
In the morning, we moved to another face where visibility was initially really worse. However the sky went to blue bird again and we left the tree riding for next days. Karňas enjoyed his successfully jumped quite nice cliff, which had already picked from a previous trip. The whole day ran fairly positive. Riding and walking to our powder lines was relatively balanced. This was disrupted by only one traverse through the forest.
Statistics: 70% Blue sky, NO Fog, 5% Ice.
Další den bylo asi nejhorší počasí, takže nejlepší jízdy se konaly v níže položených lesních úsecích. Za zmínku stojí fakt, že počasí bylo tak blbé, že se naprosto vážně zvažovala varianta odjet již ten den domů. Naštěstí nás Karlos přemluvil :-) ať zůstaneme ještě do dalšího dne, kdy předpověď slibovala ještě hnusnější den. The third day was the worst weather, so the best place to ride in low-lying sections of forest. It worths to mention that the weather was so bad that we seriously considered an option to go home at that day. Fortunately, we talked to Karlos and managed to stay until the next day when the weather promised even uglier day.
Statistics: No Blue sky, 90% Fog, 30% Ice.
So the morning after waking up we had a brief meeting with the fact that we will not hope of a better days. Everywhere could be seen only fog or just nothing. Even to drive the car itself was problematic. Without any expectations we were leaving one of the first lifts up. The fog suddenly disappeared and we were above it. Although he was not 100% blue bird, but the sun was shining and we had perfect visibility. Within moments we changed our plans. Instead freeriding in forests was clear that once again we will stay and ride the summit. Finally the day that should have been the worst was the best. Especially when all the lines started like: 4 meters from powder pillow folowed by gently cliff with a fly about 15 meters with a totally smooth landing. Then smooth 150m long powder turns in the middle of powder field. The line was about 1 km long and very steep. I have not ridden something like this for at least five years.
Statistics: 60% Blue sky, 10% Fog, 20% Ice.
As a conclusion I would like to provide some information:
Some might find an odd name for the article, so just to avoid any misunderstanding. Tt is an allusion to such an incident when one of us had a hole in the camel bag and drink flew from the camel bag into the backpack. So he was forced to dring whole camel bag.
Finally, I would like thank to ski travel agency 2K ( Karňas Karlos) that allowed me to experience the unique feeling again the cold of snow in the face and all the elements of what freeriding really is.
Author: -b-n-x-
Photogallery: http://www.powderline.cz/en/galerie/fotogalerie/ja-to-vypiju/
Statistics: 100% Blue sky, No Ice, No fog
The evening debate was what to do next days. The forecast was not too optimistic. Anyway, we knew that the face is ridden from the first day and we will not go there. So the decision was made at a neighboring resort, where there are more possibilities of woodoo riding. So it does not matter the lack of sunshine, the presence of fog and snow, and even worse optical conditions.
In the morning, we moved to another face where visibility was initially really worse. However the sky went to blue bird again and we left the tree riding for next days. Karňas enjoyed his successfully jumped quite nice cliff, which had already picked from a previous trip. The whole day ran fairly positive. Riding and walking to our powder lines was relatively balanced. This was disrupted by only one traverse through the forest.
Statistics: 70% Blue sky, NO Fog, 5% Ice.
Další den bylo asi nejhorší počasí, takže nejlepší jízdy se konaly v níže položených lesních úsecích. Za zmínku stojí fakt, že počasí bylo tak blbé, že se naprosto vážně zvažovala varianta odjet již ten den domů. Naštěstí nás Karlos přemluvil :-) ať zůstaneme ještě do dalšího dne, kdy předpověď slibovala ještě hnusnější den. The third day was the worst weather, so the best place to ride in low-lying sections of forest. It worths to mention that the weather was so bad that we seriously considered an option to go home at that day. Fortunately, we talked to Karlos and managed to stay until the next day when the weather promised even uglier day.
Statistics: No Blue sky, 90% Fog, 30% Ice.
So the morning after waking up we had a brief meeting with the fact that we will not hope of a better days. Everywhere could be seen only fog or just nothing. Even to drive the car itself was problematic. Without any expectations we were leaving one of the first lifts up. The fog suddenly disappeared and we were above it. Although he was not 100% blue bird, but the sun was shining and we had perfect visibility. Within moments we changed our plans. Instead freeriding in forests was clear that once again we will stay and ride the summit. Finally the day that should have been the worst was the best. Especially when all the lines started like: 4 meters from powder pillow folowed by gently cliff with a fly about 15 meters with a totally smooth landing. Then smooth 150m long powder turns in the middle of powder field. The line was about 1 km long and very steep. I have not ridden something like this for at least five years.
Statistics: 60% Blue sky, 10% Fog, 20% Ice.
As a conclusion I would like to provide some information:
Some might find an odd name for the article, so just to avoid any misunderstanding. Tt is an allusion to such an incident when one of us had a hole in the camel bag and drink flew from the camel bag into the backpack. So he was forced to dring whole camel bag.
Finally, I would like thank to ski travel agency 2K ( Karňas Karlos) that allowed me to experience the unique feeling again the cold of snow in the face and all the elements of what freeriding really is.
Author: -b-n-x-
Photogallery: http://www.powderline.cz/en/galerie/fotogalerie/ja-to-vypiju/